Raid shadow legends meme copy and paste
Raid shadow legends meme copy and paste

raid shadow legends meme copy and paste

The aforementioned exile got captured by pirates and.His (at the time of the video) most recent colony where he exclusively hired psychopaths to help harvest organs, and the fact that he lampshades how messed up all this is.A young medieval slave who had all their limbs replaced with wooden stumps and assigned to make leather jackets.A psychically sensitive psychopathic tunneler who ends up causing an insect infestation after digging.A beautiful yet depressed medieval minstrel who came from a childhood on an organ farm and as such is incapable of doing much of the work that needs to be done around the colony and gets exiled.An abandoned child who grows up to be a healer who likes to jog and happens to be a psychopath.A young videogamer with creepy breathing who's psychically deaf.An elderly misogynistic lesbian with minor Alzheimer's.He talks about the variety of entertaining colonists that the game cooks up, which includes but is not limited to:.Which includes, but is not limited to: forceful organ harvesting, cannibalism, catching carcinoma from breathing in toxic fallout, and cargo pods falling from the sky directly on your favorite animal. Rimworld is a sci-fi colony simulation game. Sseth has a habit of lightly vandalizing wikis of games he covers with nonsensical, obviously satirical articles and then using them as sources for his videos.Causing MandaloreGaming to immediately plug a Raid:Shadow Legends ad and Sseth to follow up with a nonsensical reply featuring his trademark slapdash collage style, both replying to their entire contact list.

raid shadow legends meme copy and paste

  • During a stream on DLive, Sseth tells the audience about an e-mail that he received from a marketer who accidentally made their entire contact list available and politely asked the users in the comment chain to not reply to all.
  • However, around the halfway mark it devolves into a full blown rant about AI sex dolls and the coming collapse of society.
  • Sseth's body pillow review starts out as normal as one could possibly imagine for such a product.
  • raid shadow legends meme copy and paste

    ( Cuts to closeup of Felix bodypillow, zooms closer) Only you can comfort me in these troubling times. If it weren't for the Imperial scum, I'd be happily eating salt rice and kwama eggs for breakfast every day, and dying of Blight by the ripe old age of firty. (Cuts to a picture of shirtless Caius Cosades with hearts glued around him) Every day since, I have been persecuted for my superior beliefs and culture. (Cuts to IRL camera footage of Sseth's apartment and approaches a picture of Caius Cosades in armor taped to his glass door) It's been years since the Outlanders came in and conquered our lands. Today, I will be reviewing The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.

    Raid shadow legends meme copy and paste